Webinar: MILabs VECTor/CT: Applications at the University of British Columbia (UBC)


MILabs VECTor/CT: Applications at the University of British Columbia (UBC)

by Prof. Dr. Vesna Sossi, University of British Columbia, Canada

This webinar highlights some of the key imaging applications at the UBC such as theranostic α-emitters imaging (e.g. 225Ac and 211At), nanomedicine, quantitative imaging of novel dual-isotope combinations, such as 111In and 67Ga, investigations of mechanisms of delivery and pharmacokinetics of antibiotics and antimicrobials, investigation of metal chelators and their use as radiopharmaceuticals, studies in immunology and vaccines, and macromolecular conjugates and lipid-based formulations.

Took place: August, 2020 (at vEMIM)

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